How Chew Toys can Help with Puppy Training

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Having a new puppy in the house is a real joy but training them can pose challenges. Ensuring you have some great chew toys at your disposal to help with puppy training is a great idea for all new puppy parents.

We stock a huge range of safe, natural chew toys for all types of dogs, they are fun, imaginative, and come in a range of colours and designs that your new puppy will love. You can shop for them here:

Why Choose Chew Toys

Chew toys are valuable tools for puppy training and can serve multiple purposes in helping with their development and behaviour. Here's how chew toys can aid in puppy training:

Teething Relief: Puppies go through a teething phase where their new teeth are coming in, causing discomfort. Chew toys provide a safe and appropriate outlet for them to chew and alleviate teething pain, preventing them from resorting to destructive chewing on furniture or belongings.

Preventing Destructive Behaviour: Providing puppies with appropriate chew toys helps redirect their natural chewing instincts away from household items like shoes, cords, or furniture, which can be costly to replace and hazardous to the puppy's health.

Mental Stimulation: Many chew toys are designed to be interactive and mentally stimulating. These toys challenge a puppy's mind, helping to keep them engaged and preventing boredom, which can lead to undesirable behaviours.

Positive Reinforcement: Using chew toys as rewards during training sessions reinforces positive behaviour. When a puppy follows a command or behaves well, offering a chew toy as a reward encourages them to repeat the desired behaviour.

Focus and Distraction: During training sessions, chew toys can serve as a distraction to keep the puppy focused and prevent them from becoming too distracted by other stimuli.

Encouraging Independence: Chew toys can promote independence by offering the puppy something to do on their own. This is particularly useful when you need some time to yourself or when you're not available to actively interact with the puppy.

Encouraging Appropriate Play: Introducing chew toys early on helps teach puppies what is acceptable to chew and play with, setting boundaries for playtime.

Satisfying Natural Instincts: Chewing is a natural behaviour for puppies, and providing chew toys allows them to engage in this instinctive activity in a controlled and safe manner.

Tips for Using Chew Toys

  • When using chew toys for puppy training, consider the following tips:
  • Choose appropriate chew toys that are safe and made from natural materials like rubber.
  • Avoid toys with small parts that can be swallowed or pose a choking hazard.
  • Monitor the condition of the chew toys regularly and replace them if they become damaged or worn out.
  • Introduce different types of textures and shapes to keep the puppy interested and engaged.
  • Always supervise the puppy while they are using chew toys, especially when they are young and still learning appropriate chewing habits.

By incorporating chew toys into your puppy training routine, you can effectively redirect their behaviour, provide mental and physical stimulation, and create positive associations with appropriate chewing.

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