There’s always the temptation to treat our dogs likely mini-human beings. Unfortunately, there are quite a few things that we take for granted which aren’t exactly good for them. If you want to keep your loveable pooch in the best of health, then it’s a good idea to check out the list below.
Chocolate is Bad
How many dog owners sneak their best friend a little chocolate treat now and again. The truth is that it contains substances such as caffeine and theobromine which aren’t good for the canine gut. If you want to keep your dog in tip top condition, then avoid the chocolate treats – especially dark chocolate – no matter how much they want to gobble it up.
Dogs and Alcohol
Okay, we all know that we shouldn’t be giving our animals a quick slurp of beer or wine but it’s surprising how many pet owners do. It can seem like fun but it can cause stomach problems, difficulty breathing and, in extreme circumstances, even death. The smaller your dog is, the more likely it is to suffer adverse effects, so don’t leave your alcoholic drinks lying around where they can get at them. Other drinks you may leave around, such as coffee and tea, are also dangerous to dogs because of their caffeine content.
Human Food
If you feed your dog titbits off the table while you’re eating, it’s useful to be aware of what’s good and what’s bad.
- Avocado might seem healthy but it contains persin which can be dangerous to dogs.
- You should avoid anything with onion or garlic in them too. Why? It can have an adverse effect on your little mutt’s red blood cells and cause anaemia.
- Grapes and raisons can cause problems with the kidneys and milk, cream or cheese can lead to digestive problems.
- Avoid macadamia nuts and anything with them in like biscuits as they can make a dog sick. S
- Stay away from any food that has salt added to it.
Other Dog Hazards in the Home
It’s not just food that can cause problems for dogs. Toys with moving parts or made from synthetic materials can cause problems. A dog can break off part of a toy and choke on it and some materials can cause poisoning (which is why you should always choose toys for your dog that are made from natural products).
Things like insecticides and cleaning products can also have a bad effect on dogs. If you’ve just washed your carpets you should keep the dog out of the room until it’s dried. If you have bottles of detergent or bleach, then you should make sure you put them out of reach of any animals who live in your home.
Even household plants can be poisonous to dogs. Aloe Vera is popular in many homes but can cause digestive problems if you dog takes a liking to the plant. Ivy can cause difficulty breathing and a leafy plant like philodendron causes burns inside a dog’s mouth if it decides to have a chew.
All this can make you feel that there’s a hazard around every corner and that your dog may be in mortal danger. In most cases, however, safety simply means putting things out of reach or just not feeding your dog a particular food or treat. Swapping to organic toys such as Ovo the Eggfrom Mushroom and co which are made from natural products and making sure you use safe cleaning products can go a long way to making sure your pooch stays safe at home.
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